How to Make Ethical Decisions in a Commercial World | James B. Pepper Rutland

All entrepreneurs must eventually make important ethical decisions. Sometimes, an entrepreneur may not know what to do in a given situation. Whether the error involves selling meals made with horse meat (Findus in 2013) or breaking sanctions against several nations, including Iran (Standard Chartered in 2019), people in charge often make unethical decisions for the sake of earning high profits. Entrepreneurs who make immoral decisions may think no one will notice. However, both of these companies soon faced the fact that consumers found out about their choices.


Choosing wealth over morality is often a fatal error for a business owner. This type of mistake can cause a business to lose loyal customers and even fail. In the United States, the governor of Georgia signed legislation to ban early abortions. As a result, WarnerMedia, Netflix and the Walt Disney Company declared verbally that they would avoid filming productions in Georgia. Additionally, several celebrities, including Sean Penn and Amy Schumer, vocally expressed their concerns about the bill.


The moral is that ethical decisions can damage the monetary flow of a business. However, serving morality and mammon is virtually impossible. So, an entrepreneur must have values and stick to these philosophical beliefs regardless of monetary expectations. Entrepreneurs need to consider many things before they make ethical decisions. Balancing ethics against making huge profits is a challenging activity. However, an entrepreneur’s competition also faces the same challenges.


A competitor may take a chance by making a moral decision and then profit from the choice. If consumers appreciate the competitor’s decision, business for the entrepreneur who chooses otherwise may not receive favorable reviews from consumers. An entrepreneur must satisfy their employees and shareholders, so the wrong choice can have negative repercussions. Some decisions are difficult to make and require contemplation.


The most important step is to find out all the facts. It is easier to make an ethical choice once everything is in the open. It is worthwhile to spend time thinking about the future. Admittedly, it is challenging to decide on something that serves the public, charitable endeavors, employees and investors. However, it is not impossible. In the final analysis, the only thing an entrepreneur can do is to follow their good judgment.


How to Make Ethical Decisions in a Commercial World | James B. Pepper Rutland

How to Improve Collaboration in the Workplace | James B. Pepper Rutland

Every business or organization can benefit from learning how to collaborate with others. A business is a corporation that usually has different branches or domains with people who have their own special area of expertise. It is seldom to find any successful major business that has one person operating everything. Everyone is an integral part of the workplace. They must know their importance as well as other people’s importance as it pertains to the functioning of the business. By cooperating with others in the workplace, the whole business profits.


Socializing Outside of Work


Schedule informal social events so that colleagues and management can come together outside of work. Forming a bond with coworkers and the management team can build trust and transparency. People get to see that everyone is still human at the end of the day. Inviting workers to dinner or to grab a coffee is just one way to socialize outside of the workplace setting.


Embrace Diversity


No one is identically the same. And, as stated previously, everyone has their own area of expertise. This should not intimidate any coworkers or management. Instead, this should be welcomed and appreciated. Ideas are no exception. It is vital to embrace one’s thought process so long as it is appropriate. Not everyone has the same vision or recommendations of approach. This is what makes people unique. Taking different advice for a change may just allow for the necessary modifications to be made to generate a major success for the company. As diversity pertains to one’s culture, a person can go out of their way to learn a little bit about the etiquette of different cultures so that they remain respectful.


Do Not Micro-manage


Collaboration does require coming together as an alliance to complete a task. However, there still needs to be some degree of space enforced in the work setting. Management or any other colleagues should not hover over anyone in the process of micro-managing. Workers should have the opportunity to complete their jobs without feeling eyes leering in their direction constantly waiting for them to mess up. This amount of pressure just makes for a tense environment. All people should know their roles in a team and seek to manage only themselves unless they are in a managing position.


How to Improve Collaboration in the Workplace | James B. Pepper Rutland

Pepper Rutland | Are you Creating Burnout for Others?

Burnout is the feeling of fatigue or exhaustion that comes from constant stress and pressure. People can experience burnout physically, academically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s an overwhelming feeling to endure and makes one function less than normal. To figure out if someone is having this overwhelming effect on others, looking at these patterns should help.


A decrease in Worker Productivity


If the quantity of work or hours are diminishing with employees, this can show wavering emotions including fatigue. When people endure much stress, their mind can go on autopilot as they want to get away from the pressure. So, they are not entirely aware whilst working. Burnout is much like resistance as it takes even more of an effort to do the same amount of work as before.


Quality of Work Drops


If the quantity of work doesn’t swindle, then the quality may definitely be affected negatively. This is especially true in creativity-based jobs where much is dependent on one’s mind. People don’t often think straight when burdened with exhaustion and fatigue. Completing the work seems more of a chore than anything else.


Employees or Colleagues Don’t Speak to You


If coworkers or employees don’t speak to each other or avoid their management, this is a clear indicator that they might be the cause for the burnout. Perhaps these employees and coworkers do not feel comfortable or appreciated by their business. They may avoid speaking as they don’t feel a conversation is welcomed due to harsh management styles or strict the strict workplace environment.


Micro-managing Everyone


Watching over people’s shoulders is a sure way to create fatigue. Not only does a person have to focus on doing their job, but they constantly have to consider the fact that someone is always watching them. This amount of stress and tension may shift their attention away from the job they are trying to do. This may make them focus on the appearance of their work as opposed to their actual performance on the job. So, it is vital not to become that person who is micro-managing coworkers or employees even unintentionally. It is okay to care for the handling and functioning of one’s business. However, it is also okay to show trust and give people the necessary space they require to get the job done efficiently.

Pepper Rutland | Are you Creating Burnout for Others?

Things Socially Intelligent People Do Differently

What is social intelligence? People with social intelligence understand how to work with others and interact with them very well. Their social intelligence is higher than others because of several traits: 


They Listen More Than They Speak


Socially intelligent people understand one of the most difficult parts of interacting: to listen more than to speak. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get people to like you.  Socially intelligent people grasp this often over-looked aspect of human behavior. How so? They ask questions when engaged in a conversation with others. Most people are too busy thinking about what they are going to say next instead of truly listening, but socially intelligent people are fully present during their interactions.

They Withhold Judgement

People with high social intelligence are also usually some of the most respectful people. Throughout their day as they hold doors, wait in lines, and generally exist, they withhold judgment of others. Why? Highly socially intelligent people understand that everyone matters. People pick up on this and respond very well to it, mostly because it is so far from the norm. 


They observe and interpret someone’s nonverbal behavior

Emotions and one’s mental state is communicated less by words and more by body language. People with high social intelligence understand the body language of others. For example, a person with normal social intelligence may not notice that someone is disengaged in conversation. People with high social intelligence will pick up on these nonverbal cues.


They understand that people’s behavior is governed by multiple factors

Everyone is going through things in their lives: personally, professionally and otherwise.  Socially intelligent people understand this and do not take someone’s present behavior as a reaction to the immediate stimulus. They understand that someone’s reaction could be due to multiple outside factors that have nothing to do with the actual situation at hand. 


Socially intelligent people are good listeners; they withhold judgment, observe nonverbal behavior and understand that people are complicated. Because they do these things so much better than most people, they are some of the best people to know and make some of the best employees!

Things Socially Intelligent People Do Differently

Time Management Techniques for Small Business Owners


To succeed, small business owners have the responsibility of effectively managing their resources. Some of the most vital resources for small business owners include time and capital. When properly managed, time can help propel a small business into a huge investment. Most business owners, however, lack time management skills to turn their investments around. Here are some time management techniques that small business owners should consider.


Considering automation


Time wastage within the workplace can be effectively eliminated by considering automating some of the business operations. Process automation through digital tools and techniques enables workers to achieve greater production output. It is also a great way of eliminating time wastage in the workplace, especially where output requires the involvement of multiple workers.


Delegation of responsibilities


Every small business can become quite busy – packed with responsibilities and tasks to complete. It is the small business owner’s responsibility to delegate tasks and duties accordingly to ensure that workers get a fair share of a large project. To ensure fairness, it is important to consider the competency-based delegation of responsibilities where each worker is given a task based on his or her professionalism and skill base.




Time management in the workplace cannot be complete without setting appropriate priorities. When setting priorities, it is important to consider a systematic workflow where each task is appropriately placed in the list, based on how important it is in contributing towards the workflow. Prioritization helps the workers to become more organized and strategic in their operations.


Maintaining work-life balance


Time can become a major asset or reliability, depending on how prudent the investor is. It is important to consider setting time management discipline in order for the business owner to achieve business discipline and sustainability. Allotting sufficient time for work and equally sufficient time for social life allows the entrepreneur to relax and unwind accordingly.


Elimination of distractions


Nothing can be more frustrating than a small business owner who can’t achieve his or her goals and priorities due to workplace distractions. Being distracted by common elements in the workplace, such as tech gadgets, unnecessary meetings, or even social activities, can impair the business’s productivity. To achieve proper time management, it is important to consider setting focus and avoiding any common distractions.




Time Management Techniques for Small Business Owners

How to Earn Respect as a New Leader

Many people possess at least one of the qualities it takes to be a leader. When people think about leadership, there is usually an image of someone well-known and very powerful. However, it is important to note that leadership is not really about a power construct or job titles. True leadership is defined through a person’s ability to unify people of diverse backgrounds to produce something much greater. Some common traits of leaders include, but are not limited to compassion, empathy, resilience, accountability, and drive. In order to identify individuals that have leadership qualities, CEOs and management can look for people who have the following:




Someone who has humility is very modest. Their pride isn’t toxic to the degree of it becoming arrogance. These are very humble people who are not motivated by titles or driven by notice. With this characteristic, an individual has no problem dedicating their time teaching others or answering any questions.


Positive Reinforcement


Positive reinforcement is an essential leadership quality. People need to feel motivated and reminded that they have what it takes. However, positive reinforcement is much more than just handing out compliments on one’s work. It also involves the willingness to provide incentives for people. An incentive is like a reward or bonus given to a person that performs the desired task. This reward will reinforce a good work ethic for future work assignments. This encouragement helps others to concentrate better on their tasks. Praising others for their good work is an example of positive reinforcement as well as the following examples:


  • vacation time
  • pay increase
  • acknowledgment/praise
  • compliments

Growth Mindset


Having a growth mindset is a leadership quality. A fixed mindset is a belief that a person’s talents are more innate or inherent and that their abilities are fixed traits. A person with a growth mindset believes that any ability, talent, or intelligence that one wants to undertake, it can be developed through time and experience.


The Power of Influence


Successful leaders are all influential. A leader is also one who is a visionary and sees newer perspectives that others may not yet consider. To influence others to believe in one’s vision is a powerful thing. It’s not so much about the ability to persuade as much as it is about a person’s passion having such an impact on others. Anyone who can inspire others to adopt some of their viewpoints is someone who has leadership quality. 


How to Earn Respect as a New Leader

What are the Qualities of Creative Thinkers?

The forefront of entrepreneurship is creative thinking. With a deep inner mind full of ideas, it’s almost impossible to become successful in life, business, or personal passions.


Thoughts are the basic layout of how life unfolds. Being intentional in focusing on positive thoughts about one’s goals and dreams can change one’s life.


So how does one cultivate creative thinking? According to entrepreneur Brian Tracy, there are seven qualities that creative thinkers embody.


  1. Creative thinkers express curiosity. Why? Why not? Why can’t we do this? These are great questions that expand one’s reality into considering a variety of ideas.


  1. Zero-based thinking is a useful skill that allows someone to step back, imagine a time before certain decisions were made, and examine how they would go about such decisions with the current knowledge they have. I was not doing what I’m doing, knowing what I know now, would I start?


  1. Creative thinkers must be open and eager to change. The world is always changing, and it’s better to take the lead and propel that change yourself rather than let yourself be caught up the tide. Out of all the decisions people make, about 70% might be wrong. With flexible thinking, you can spring back with your next idea.


  1. Creative thinkers admit it when they are wrong. Pride is not worth the time wasted trying to defend one’s stance or feeling ashamed for being wrong. Rather, being okay with being wrong is a sign of someone who is open to improving their ideas and eager to move on to better solutions.


  1. Creative thinkers aren’t afraid to say, “I don’t know.” Being honest about one’s lack of knowledge in a subject shows others more confidence than pretending to know everything. Admitting you don’t know is the first step to wondering, “Okay, so how do we find out what we don’t know?” This forces you to look for sources of knowledge, look to people who have been in the same situation or problem, and see their solution. Creative thinkers get inspired by other’s stories and copy the solutions or characteristics they like to improve their own lives.


  1. Creative thinkers focus on their goals. They know exactly what they want, and their bright imagination allows them to visualize a reality in which they are successful.


  1. Creative thinkers care more about what’s right, not who’s right. It’s more important to value ideas, using them to make plans and implement them. At the end of the day, the person who thought of the right idea doesn’t matter. The right idea is always the one that people actually act upon and execute.
What are the Qualities of Creative Thinkers?

Things Every Manager Should Do in their First Week

Were you recently promoted to a management position? Congratulations! Now the real work begins. The following are four of the most important things you should do in your first week as a manager:


Define a Time to Sit with your Team


This is very important and cannot be understated. Within the first few days, you need to gather each team member individually and learn about them. Have questions prepared about their likes, dislikes, and career goals. This is a great opportunity to learn about your new team members. The key is to sit back and actually listen to them. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by your daily responsibilities but keep in mind how important your team members are. 


Find a Mentor


All of the top leaders from our time make it clear that mentors and mentorship have helped them get to the top. They can help you navigate tough situations and shed light. How does one go about getting a mentor? Start by looking for people that you want to strive to be like. Look out for someone who seems like a good listener. Show them how you are striving and developing. In lieu of a formal mentorship, you can watch the people around you who you admire, and personalize it to yourself.


Plan to Read Two Books Per Month


When you start a new position, you try to immerse yourself in every aspect of the role. What you need to also consider is learning from outside sources like a book. Don’t wait around for the company to provide the books for you. Take the action on your own and buy management books. Reading daily is a great habit no matter what.


Journal About the Previous Day


Starting your day with mental reflection is a great way to approach the day ahead. Daily journaling can help you learn professionally as well as learn about your management style. Daily journaling help you develop yourself professionally as well as personally, It is also a great way to document your “wins” at work, which will come in handy when your yearly review comes around. 

Things Every Manager Should Do in their First Week

How To Take A Personal Stake In your Employee’s Development

Executives and managers often discover that taking a personal stake in employee development can help their organization attain a higher level of productivity and increased employee satisfaction. Investing in optimal employee development might be accomplished by partaking in activities such as:


Encouraging Employees To Push One Another


Competition amongst an entity’s employees can prove critical to helping that organization accomplish certain tasks and achieve specific goals. That said, competition should not be detrimental and workers should not be pitted against one another. Managers should encourage employees to offer one other productive prodding like defining goals and working together to reach those objectives.


Create A Development Plan For Each Employee


Executives can further employee development by authoring a development plan for each staff member. Those in charge are encouraged to get to know each employee, discern their career objectives and formulate some discernible strategy to help the individual in question attain such aims.


Promote The Learning Of New Skills


Employees with expansive skillsets can accomplish more tasks and can be more marketable. Ergo, employee development may be fostered by encouraging members of a workforce to learn new skills such as computer programs. Additionally, skillsets can be developed or improved upon through educational opportunities.


Reward Development


Few actions can foster employee development more than providing rewards or incentives for attaining specific levels of development. Staff members who accomplish certain tasks, achieve specific goals or exceed established mandates can be rewarded through raises or perks.


Familiarize Employees With Other Departments


Executives interested in expanding employee development will introduce gifted employees to other company departments. This activity will keep such individuals informed about other aspects of the organization and might pique their interests and inspire them to broaden their professional horizons.


Demonstrate An Active Interest In Employees As People


Most employees yearn to know that their superiors view them as people and not just numbers or warm bodies brought in to perform specific tasks. Companies who employ managers who demonstrate an interest in the personal interests, backgrounds, past accomplishments, hobbies and family lives of their employees might be looked upon more favorably, which could inspire the development of great working and professional relationships.



How To Take A Personal Stake In your Employee’s Development

Creating a Health and Wellness Program to Reduce Stress


Employees that are unhappy and stressed out are less productive. When morale is down, the entire company can suffer. Taking care of your employees both physically and mentally can go a long way in reducing their stress and creating a more positive work environment. Follow these tips to create a successful health and wellness program.


  1. Start with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Employee Assistance Programs can be a great asset to both employees and the leaders of the company. Things like financial and career planning or advice from qualified legal professionals can assist employees in many facets of their life and help them look towards the future. The overall health of your employees is equally as important as their financial health so including benefits like access to quality mental and physical health programs as part of an EAP is a must when it comes to being a successful company overall.


  1. Focus on wellness. Being well financially, physically, and mentally are all important components of a strong employee. Wellness encompasses many aspects of life, from going to the gym to having regular health checkups to staying current on vaccinations. Offering your employees access to these and more by providing a list of participating providers and reimbursing them for out-of-pocket expenses will encourage them to focus on their wellness and in turn will increase productivity and the overall success of the company.


  1. Raise awareness and monitor progress. Health and wellness programs only work if employees are participating in them. Encourage employees to become active in EAP’s and wellness programs by providing information to them when they are hired and then routinely throughout the year. Ways to raise awareness include:


  • Sending out weekly wellness memos with health tips.
  • Offering free vaccination clinics throughout the year.
  • Hosting health challenges each month which encourages employees to work as a team on their health goals.
  • Post motivational posters in areas where employees congregate to remind them about the importance of their health and wellness and encourage them to enroll in employer-sponsored wellness plans.


Be an example to your employees by regularly participating in EAP’s and wellness plans. The first step starts with you.



Creating a Health and Wellness Program to Reduce Stress